Project: 520 Bike Trail
Information needed:
1.Primary Wall System 1”X1”Mosaic
2.What masonry products were used on the project?And what masonry percentage of the envelope does the product represent for each? (%brick/%stone/%tile/%CMU) 5500SF Ceramic Tile.
3.What are two (2) sentences make the masonry design unique?Each sheet specifically numbered to formaone of a kind back drop of palm trees, beaches and colorful skies.
4.What was the biggest challenge with the project?(space/corners/custom materials, etc.) Layout and making sure each piece was in the correct position on aradiused tunnel.
5.What are the unique features of the project (if none-NA)?6.Any unique or special circumstances faced in designing or building the project. Design and coordination with all parties, supplier, design team and contractors.